The Humble Bee Honey Company has Farm Status. We are a registered farm through The Department Of Agriculture and we are proud Farm Bureau members. We work closely with N.R.C.S and are proud to be able to provide additional support and information to our Beekeeping and Agricultural community. We at The Humble Bee Honey Company would like to thank each company for their continued support of Beekeepers, Gardeners, and all the agricultural Farming community. Local Community Gardens support families all over the country. Farm to table foods are a valuable resource and promote healthy living.
The Humble Bee Honey Company is a Burpee Seeds retailer and anyone who wishes to purchase Burpee seeds can do so through Humble Bee Honey Company.
We are proud Connecticut Farm Bureau Members, Litchfield County! There is always information available for all attendees regarding The Farm Bureau at every lecture we present!
Below is what to expect when attending our lectures.
Every attendee will receive a free sample copy of The American Bee Journal, The world's oldest Beekeeping journal in the world.
Literature regarding the topics discussed as well as recipes from The National Honey Board will be available at every lecture.
Current Beekeeping supply catalogs from all the major Beekeeping suppliers in the U.S will also be available at every lecture. Those supply companies include Dadant and son's , Mannlake, BetterBee, Kelly Beekeeping , Blue Sky Bee Supply, Pigeon Mountain Trading Company
Our pollinator lectures are open to Beekeeper's and Gardeners alike . We always support farm to table produce and healthy communities through healthy living. No Bees, No Farms, No Food. Everyone who attends each seminar will receive recipes and literature pertaining to the subject discussed. Current Seed catalogs will also be available at every lecture as a courtesy from Johnny Selected Seeds, The Ernst Seed Company, Seed Savers, Victory Seeds, Bakers Creek Heirloom Seeds. These companies have graciously provided current literature for the growing season and have also donated seeds and other educational items that will be given away at each seminar. Seed packets and educational material donated by said companies are provided to those who attend as a courtesy. Posters and literature will also be provided , donated by N.R.C.S. The National Resources Conservation Services, a service through The Department of Agriculture. Each attendee will receive a raffle ticket and at the end of every lecture or talk, three raffle items will be called. These are free raffles to all who attend as a thank you for attending and supporting the Honey Bee, local beekeepers and gardeners alike. The items raffled off are products graciously donated by Beekeeping supply companies across the united States as well as seed companies. Those items may be books, beekeeping tools, seeds, literature, ect. We also raffle items and gifts from our company The Humble Bee Honey Company! One of most popular items raffled off is of course our amazing honey and it is available if in season! The Humble Bee Honey Company does not profit from any donated items.
The Humble Bee Honey Company would like to thank Dadant and Son's and American Bee Journal, A. I Root Company and Bee Culture Magazine, Mannlake, BetterBee, Kelly Beekeeping, Blue Sky Bee Supply, and Pigeon Mountain Trading Company for generously donating items and catalogs to The Humble Bee Honey Company to offer to our all our attendees and continuously supporting beekeepers everywhere! We appreciate you and thank you and all our attendees and Beekeepers thank you !!!!!
We are proud to be a listed speaker for The Federated Garden Clubs of Connecticut!
If you have an interest in having our Beekeeper conduct a lecture for your club or organization please contact us directly at 203-565-5057 or email us at humblebeehoneyco@gmail.com. We can accommodate small groups of five or as many as 200 attendees. Speaking fees may be adjusted to accommodate larger audiences. Travel fees may be applied for travel more then 20 miles from main apiary and company location. Special discount considerations can be made for returning lectures.
Let us know ahead of time is a w9 is needed prior to booking your event.

Upcoming Presentations, both live and virtual,
Appear as booked not in order by date
July 14th, 2021
The History Of Beekeeping and Connectcut's Role in Apiculture
E.C Scranton Public Library
Madison CT
801 Boston Post Road
Madison CT 06443
Event begins at 6:30
Live Observation hive will be focus of the event. This will be an outdoor event contact the library for details
July 27th, 2021
Children's speaking event
Honey Bees and Me, The history of honey bees and the biology of the Honey Bee
Bloomfield Public Library
1 Tunxix Ave
Bloomfield CT
Event begins at 10:30 am
This is a Children's event grades 1 through 8 encouraged. Contact the library for details
This event will be virtual
July 31st, 2021
Pollinators Bees and Butterflies
New Britain Public Library
20 High Street
New Britian CT 06051
Event begins at 1 pm
This will be a live indoor event
Contact the Library for details
August 19th, 2021
The History of Beekeeping and Connecticut's Role In Apiculture
Derby Neck Public Library
307 Hawthorne Ave
Derby CT 06418
Event begins at 6:30 pm
This event will be a virtual program.
Contact the library for details
October 12th 2021,
The Sweet History of Honey and Honey Tasting
Woodbury Public Library
269 Main Street South
Woodbury CT 06798
Event begins at 7 pm
This event will be a live event and will include a honey tasting
Contact the library for details
You will find Bakers Creek Heirloom seeds catalogs at every lecture we present!
Baker Creek carries one of the largest selections of seeds from the 19th century, including many Asian and European varieties. The company has become a tool to promote and preserve our agricultural and culinary heritage. Bakers Creek Heirloom Seeds have been featured in The New York Times, The Associated Press, Oprah Magazine, NPR, Martha Stewart, The Wall Street Journal, and many others. (Quoted from rareseeds.com Bakers Creek Heirloom Seeds)

We are also proud to present Johnny Seeds catalogs at every lecture we present! Thank you Johnny Seeds for your continued support of Gardeners and Beekeepers everywhere!
For more than 45 years Johnny's Selected Seeds has been helping families and friends to feed one another." Everything we do here is focused on helping you have a successful growing experience."(quote from Johnnyseeds.com)

The American Bee Journal was established in 1861 by Samuel Wagner and has been published continuously since that time, except for a brief period during the Civil War. The Journal has the honor of being the oldest English language beekeeping publication in the world. Today, Dadant and Sons has the privilege of publishing the American Bee Journal for subscribers throughout the world. Readership is concentrated among hobby and commercial beekeepers, bee supply dealers, queen breeders, package-bee shippers, honey packers, and entomologists. (taken from AmericanBeeJournal.com)

The A.I. Root Company has generously donated past issues to us so that we may continue to present them at every present presentation we have! Thank you so very much Bee Culture and The A.I. Root Company!!
Amos Ives Root became involved in candle-making through his interest in bee keeping. He was behind many advances in bee keeping, leading the movement to standardizing beekeeping equipment. His Airline Honey was known nationally as the finest honey on the market. He wrote a popular book on bees – The ABCs of Bee Culture – and he founded a magazine for bee keepers named Gleanings In Bee Culture. Little wonder A.I. Root was known as “the bee man” in fifteen languages the world over. Today, Root is still actively involved in advancing the knowledge and science of bee keeping.
Click here to visit www.beeculture.com.

Here you will see some of the wonderful products given away as door prizes at our presentations and lecture. The Humble Bee Honey Company does not profit from any item presented at any educational event. The items are offered as a thank you for attending our seminars and graciously by the companies listed above.
If you have benefited from any of the educational information provided, please share your experiences with us so that we may also share those experiences with the companies that helped us make that happen for you!
Please share your garden experiences with us and of course share your Beekeeping adventures with us as well!

Companies such as Dadant and Sons, Better Bee, Mannlake, Kelly Beekeeping have all donated educational items and equipment so that I may present them as door prize give away items at my many events. Here are just a few items you may find at my events!
We also provide literature regarding topics discussed and articles written by world renowned Beekeepers at all our events! We even bring honey recipes to share and swap!

BELOW YOU WILL FIND A COMPREHENSIVE LISTING OF THE PRESENTATIONS WE CONDUCT. EACH LISITING WILL HAVE A BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE TOPIC DISCUSSED. The presentations are in PowerPoint form with the exception of The Honey Files A Bees Life movie presentation. Each event requires a projector or PowerPoint presenter and screen with sound, an H.D.M.I. cord to hook up to our Lap top which we will bring to the event, and several long tables for catalogs, literature and handouts. If you do not have a Presenter or projector for the PowerPoint we can bring a screen and mirror the PowerPoint to the screen. It is helpful to let us know how many may attend prior to arriving. Please let us know what your facility can provide prior to arriving.
When booking events with us please provide contact information such as name and telephone numbers and email addresses.
We are currently making all our current programs virtual using screen sharing programs. Please feel free to inquire about our virtual programming.
1. The Famous Innovators in Beekeeping
Who was Rev. L.L. Langstroth? Who was the first person to document the first flight of the Wright Brothers? Who was the person responsible for creating the closed ended frame or the bee smoker? Who discovered that honey bees can hear? Learn the answers to these questions and much more in this engaging lecture. How many famous Beekeepers do you know?
2. The History of Beekeeping in The United States and Connecticut’s Role in Apicuture.
How did the Honey bees' get here? Are Honey Bees native to the United States? Who is L. L. Langstroth and why was Connecticut so important to him? Learn how the Langstroth Hive came to be. Learn the Honey Bee's importance to Agriculture.
3. Children's Presentation... The Honey Bee Files, A Bees Life a Movie Presentation and discussion 45 MINUTES LONG
This presentation begins with a brief introduction to the Bee Lady. Learn how and why she became a Beekeeper as she asks, what do know about these amazing pollinators? Then she introduces The Honey Files, A Bees Life Movie, a twenty minute movie presentation. During this movie learn how bees communicate, learn to fly and collect pollen. You are introduced to the honey bee colony and what a Beekeeper does. After the movie we review the movie and demonstrate the waggle dance and the anatomy of the honey bee. This is a very interactive presentation. The Bee Lady Arrives in full uniform. She brings childrens bee suits for children to try on. Honey straws and coloring books are handed out at the end of every childrens event.
4. Children's Presentation...Honey Bees and Me. A Children's Presentation (THIS IS A POWERPOINT PRESENTATION) 60 MINUTES LONG.
Learn how gentle the honey be really is. Learn where honey comes from and just how much honey a honey bee produces in it's life time. Learn how honey bees communicate and work as a team. Your introduced to the cast of the colony and what each member of the colony does. Talk to a real Beekeeper. touch and feel real bees wax and try on a Beekeepers uniform. Stickers, honey sticks and coloring books for all who attend!
5. The Sweet History of Honey and Honey Tasting
Why do we love honey so much? What makes honey so dark or so light? How many varietals of honey are there? Why does honey crystalize? Why doesn't honey need to be pasteurized? Learn the answers to these questions and much more during this engaging talk and taste five varietals of honey and honey from The Humble Bee Honey Company!
6. Why and how I became a Beekeeper, A how to guide to your first season keeping bees (Part one of my two part series)
Learn form a second generation Beekeeper why she became a beekeeper, Learn where to place a hive, what supplies to order where to order your bees for next season, learn all about your beekeeping tools and supplements for the hive and what you need your first and second season beekeeping. Learn about the Bee Clubs in Connecticut and learn about our Connecticut State Bee Inspector and why he is a very valuable resource to every Beekeeper. We will discuss where to purchase beekeeping supplies and learn what plants to plant to increase your garden yield and encourage your pollinators and help your bees flourish! This is a resource presentation for new Beekeepers and those interested in becoming a Beekeeper. This presentation provides a lot of information to the new Beekeeper. It is advised to bring a pen and paper for note taking. Catalogs from Beekeeping supply companies will be provided as well as valuable literature for beekeepers.
7. Beekeeping 101 Welcome to The Biology of The Honey Bee (Part Two of a Two Part Series)
This PowerPoint lecture is designed for the beginner Beekeeper. This presentation discuses the general how to's in Beekeeping. We discuss the cast of the colony, anatomy, tools of the trade, learn about two historical pioneers in Apiculture, the State Bee Inspector and why we should have a mentor and what our mentors are not telling you. This presentation is jammed packed with valuable resources. Bring pen and paper and bring your questions!
8. Pollinators and Their Effect on Our Ecosystem (part one of our two part pollinator series)
We are depend on honey bees for at least one third of the food that we eat every day. Learn about our most important pollinators and the Beekeepers that tend to them as well as the benefits of protecting our pollinators. Examine endangered species and how important honey bees are to apple crops.
9. Protecting Our Native Pollinators, Bees and Butterflies. (part two of our two part pollinator series) This presentation may extend past 60 minutes
Protecting our pollinators begins with us. Why should we care? Learn about the plight of the Monarch Butterfly, the honey bee, and the endangered native bumble bees. Learn how we can do our part to save these fascinating pollinators.
The Towns where we have spoken are Oakville, West Hartford, Derby, Granby, East Granby, Beacon Falls, Hamden, Shelton, Colchester, Kent, Middlebury, Bridgewater, New Milford, Meriden, Goshen, Prospect, Bethel, Litchfield, Plainville, Bristol, Danbury, Roxbury, Hamden, Bridgeport, Simsbury, East Haven Seymour and Southington

The Bee Man BY Laurie Krebs
The Bee Man by Laurie Krebs. This soft cover book is happily donated to every educational facility where we have spoken, courtesy of The Humble Bee Honey Company